Duel Academy

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We Make The Advanced Duelists.

2 posters

    Assassin's Application


    Number of posts : 81
    Age : 30
    Location : India
    Favorite Deck : Many
    Registration date : 2008-05-17

    Credits: 100

    Assassin's Application Empty Assassin's Application

    Post by Assassin Tue 10 Feb - 2:49

    Name: Assassin

    What are you applying for?: Moderator...

    Why do you think you can take it? Because i am really really active and have a lot of experience

    What's your experiences?
    I have been in the academy world since they began... u can check the date i joined...

    Let me come in order of my posts
    1) Itachi the criminal Academy - Admin
    2) Naruto Bleach Academy- Admin
    I was mod at other small THen ACtive academies

    Now Active academies, clans etc.
    3) Duel Kings -- X-Mod before I resigned and left as i became busy
    4) Duel Academy - Moderator
    5) KCVDS Duel Academy - Admin
    6) Dark Duel Academy - Ra Yellow Leader
    7) Duelists Academy- Admin
    8 DAD academy - Admin before i resigned and left as I didnt like it
    9) Dark Genesis Corp - Moderator
    10) Phantasy Star Universe - Moderator

    I was admin at Black Knights Clan before I left it to join LVLSC

    I like APDA so dont worry i wont leave it like i left DAD or BK...

    Number of posts : 321
    Location : Atlantis
    Favorite Deck : You won\\\'t know!
    D.K : 500
    Registration date : 2008-05-20

    Credits: 2279600

    Assassin's Application Empty Re: Assassin's Application

    Post by Ahmed Mon 16 Feb - 8:08

    Accepted. We hope to see much of you and well, try to get us at a good position.

      Current date/time is Sun 8 Sep - 10:09