Furious Elite Team
This team was made to be an Elite team just like the name of the team says.We are looking for Elite duelists and also anyone that has potential to be Elite!
This team is basically where all Elite duelists come together and have fun and work together as a team to overcome any obstacle that awaits them!
We are a team that has an outreach site so anyone interested in joining or having any challenges then you can contact us there.We will participate in "team wars" and other competitions against other clans.Is all about having fun!
We have some of the well respected people from BC like myself,Liliputas,Fanis,Nheil,and much more.If you think you have what it takes to join then PM me or post below and either I or Liliputas will test you and determine if you are worthy.It will be hard to join,but it will be all worth it:)
This is our outreach site where anyone can contact us for anything or to sign up! So come ahead all of you are invited
This team was made to be an Elite team just like the name of the team says.We are looking for Elite duelists and also anyone that has potential to be Elite!
This team is basically where all Elite duelists come together and have fun and work together as a team to overcome any obstacle that awaits them!
We are a team that has an outreach site so anyone interested in joining or having any challenges then you can contact us there.We will participate in "team wars" and other competitions against other clans.Is all about having fun!
We have some of the well respected people from BC like myself,Liliputas,Fanis,Nheil,and much more.If you think you have what it takes to join then PM me or post below and either I or Liliputas will test you and determine if you are worthy.It will be hard to join,but it will be all worth it:)
This is our outreach site where anyone can contact us for anything or to sign up! So come ahead all of you are invited