Duel Academy

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We Make The Advanced Duelists.

2 posters

    My application.

    Yami Yugi Muto
    Yami Yugi Muto
    Yellow Râ
    Yellow Râ

    Number of posts : 94
    Age : 30
    Location : Pakistan
    Favorite Deck : Equip and Dragons
    Registration date : 2008-09-11

    Credits: 200

    My application. Empty My application.

    Post by Yami Yugi Muto Wed 11 Feb - 7:36

    Im applying for being a moderator.
    Why i should apply:Extreme activity.
    -i am the creator of the kingofgames academy & hero colosseum(just finished it)
    -I am an admin on TheDuelZone
    -I was an admin on DK at first for about a month
    -Ive made graphics for various academies that needed aid
    -Im a former exile captain
    -Current Legionaire
    -A moderator on Duel Universe
    -Ra of duel academy
    -Currently Timaeus on DK
    -Ra here on AP
    -Admin on KDA-left that place
    -Member and active graphic poster on BC
    -Finalist of the evil tower tournament (EJ's academy)
    -Admin on UDA-Left that place.
    -Moderator on DG Corp.-One day only
    -Beginner article writer.

    Hope thats enough


    Number of posts : 321
    Location : Atlantis
    Favorite Deck : You won\\\'t know!
    D.K : 500
    Registration date : 2008-05-20

    Credits: 2279600

    My application. Empty Re: My application.

    Post by Ahmed Wed 11 Feb - 18:48

    Rejected. Not following the give form.

      Current date/time is Sun 8 Sep - 10:45